The lost ranger - Scene 003 - Order of the Queen

Order of the Queen

Description : Barton rest at the Paladin’s place and think how he can find Levina track .
Modifying scene set-up : (6) -> no change

A few weeks (2) after the first encounter (he have hard time to estimate the time he was unconscious), with the help of the Paladin, Barton start to feel good again and ready to move. Every evening he have discussion with Lane about the country, the cult (religion 6) probably isolated and minor, their life until they come to Lavina story.

Does Lane know Lavina ? (cf5 No way - 17 - N)

Barton decides to leave the next day. He establishes his location and he wants to try his luck to the closest city describe by lane as a crossroad for traders and merchants.

Before he leaves , Lane gives him a ring from the order. “With this you can ask for a bed or meal in any temple of the Queen or place like here”. “Thank you. You save my life and I owe you”. “It was my pleasure and duty, maybe our road will cross again and this time you will help me”.

-- Closing the scene --
Characters List :
1 : Cult of karzakur
2 : Lane Windsev, Paladin
3 : People from paladin’s cottage
Threadslist :
1 : find Levina his missing love
Chaos Factor : -1 -> 4

XP : 0 no bonus, total 50

D&D 5 or dice roll, Mythic GME and other oracles

If you have any question leave a comment.
