The lost ranger - Scene 010 - To the mountain...

Scene 010 - To the mountain...

Description :
Barton starts his journey to find his love.
Modifying scene set-up : (2) -> interrupted scene
(08) NPC action (11) Riston (88) control (95) nature
Interpretation : Riston uses his magic to direct Barton to the tower instead of the cabin.

Barton reaches the little trail after 2 yours on the main road. It’s a sunny autumn day but we can see some clouds accumulating in the distance around the mountains. The single track is narrow but easy to follow. After lunch the sky start to be overcast and a little breeze start to blow. Few times there was some intersection but Alora specified to stray on the main track. Barton is excited to meet again Levina and walks hard all the day. Late afternoon the small breeze becomes a stronger winds and the luminosity drops due to the dark clouds.The rain starts to poor but nothing to worry. Barton used to the outdoor have a strange feeling when the weather becomes dreadful. Guts of wind and downpour intensify. The track filled with dripping water is now a stream.

The lightning bolt strikes 10 feet from Barton. He is a bit disoriented but pushes forward to find a shelter. 2 minutes later the unlikely events happens again 10 feet in front of him splitting a big tree into matches. (perception 9) He have to get around the fallen trees and he is not sure to be still following the right path. Between the heavy rains and the night approaching Barton use his natural instinct to navigate in this unknown terrain (survival 6). Soak and confused he wanders avoiding to be to close of trees and tries to put some distance from the center of the thunderstorm. After the longest hour of his life (perception nat 20) Barton perceived a dim light. First he thinks it was an artifact of the latest lightning perturbing his vision but soon realizes it was coming from a window.

He understands his confusion. The opening is above the trees. The silhouette of the tower is revealed by a new flash in the sky. Barton stops and remembers his conversation with Riston.
Hungry and cold knocks at the door and puts his ear on it to listen (perception 12).

Did someone opens the door ? (cf8 - no way - 11 - Y) Interruption 86 NPC negative 32 Delay 74 Liberty. Interpretation the Wizard is going to try to capture Barton for some experiment.

After 2 minutes the noise of the lock surprised Barton.

UNE : 19/- delightful wizard
17/45 contact pain
75/91 secure industry
89/65 explain laziness

A sophisticated man with salt and pepper hair welcome Barton. He wears a fine blue robe and a conical hat of the same color. Barton cannot hide his surprise.

- “Welcome, welcome, come inside quickly, it’s not a weather to say outside.

Barton hesitates now, realizing it was maybe a mistake to enter in this tower. Riston didn’t warned him about Whitby but he didn’t to like the man or his work.

- “Thank you…
- “Quick, quick, let me close the door. The fireplace is here and I have a soup. Not the best but it was you need...
- “Thanks
- “Here, your soup. Make you comfortable. I am going to find some cloth for you.

After removing his cloak and boots, the warmth of the soup make Barton more lucid. He put his bow close to his chair and prepares his dagger in his sleeve.
Few minutes later Whitby brings some dry clothes.

- “More soup
- “No I am fine thank you
- “You are fortunate to find my place, I don’t want to be outside now. Why are you doing in the area ?
- “I am a hunter, I was trying my luck here to find big animals (deception nat 1)
- “ I see , I see, there are some bears in the mountain. You should try. Some people says Ogre are wandering not so far if you want some excitement. You should be tired as I am. Let me show you where you can slip.
- “Sorry I am not tired, I will stay near the fire.

Whitby opens his arms showing the room :
- “My home is your home…

(saving throw wis 21) At these words a tingling shivers along Barton’s spine, he understands the wizard tried something on him.

Turn 1 - Init Barton 10, Whitby 6
Barton   - Hunter’s mark
            - Move
            - Bow 24 - 15 dmg (Whitby 13 hp)

- “What did you try Whitby ?
- “Well you know my name. But you don’t know me.

Whitby  - run upstairs
            - disguise self

Turn 2
Barton - dash

Barton meets someone else upstairs.

- “where is Whitby ?
- “My master runs upstairs
(perception 21)
- “I don’t think so

Whitby - Blindness
Barton Con save 6 ->  blind

Turn 3
Barton - Bow disadvantage 19 - 14 dmg (Whitby - dead)

Barton surprised by the sudden darkness , follows the sound of his opponent and draw a second arrow. (int 1) He has hard time to remember the layout of the room to hide somewhere. (Perception 20) But he hears the noise of someone falling on the ground. Still worry to be for ever blind in this place and not sure if Whitby is still alive he lays on the ground and starts to crawl backward to the stairs behind him. After 1 minute and almost arrived on the first floor, Barton progressively catches some shapes and lights. He readies his bow and waits for few minutes. The thunderstorm seems to have moved further and the rain slowly decrease in intensity. Still no sound upstairs, climbing again he cannot avoid the squeaky staircase (stealth 9). Poking his head on the upper floor, Barton sees the corpse of Whitby on the ground. He removes immediately the hat to avoid blood stain on it. Now sure that the body is lifeless, Barton inspect the floor to be sure the tower doesn't have any other occupant.

Was Whitby alone in the tower ? (cf8 - Unlikely - 80 - N)

He goes to the next and last floor. It’s a room with lot of books and drawings everywhere. Looking at it it’s really disturbing. People and creature in cage, schematics of experience involving vivisection, torture and unpleasant positions. (perception 18) In the middle of this shambles, Barton finds a books a little bit different and probably of some importance.

Is it Whitby spells book ? (cf8 - 50/50 - 71 - Y)

He takes it and put in his bag. He continues his investigation on the shelves, desk and tables, looking also behind, under and on top. Nothing of interest.
Going back to the first floor Barton puts a carpet on top of Whitby corpse to avoid to look at him. It’s the bedroom and he looks inside the mattress, the bed and around the room (perception 10) without any success.

Down to the bottom floor, he takes a new bowl of soup and continues to search the tower starting by the fireplace, the shelves, walls and floor. (perception 21) He finds a hatch under the carpet. He puts his ear on and doesn’t hear anything (perception 18). Opening it he can see the beginning of a ladder and a black hole. Close to the fireplace there are some torches. He takes two and lights one of them. Before heading he lays on the ground and looks inside. There is a door with the key on a hook. On the opposite wall Barton recognizes some of the instruments he saw on Whitby books.

(Stealth 22) Without a sound he negotiates the stepladder and listens at the door. (perception 15) Apparently no one here, he takes the key on opens it (stealth 13). The heavy lock makes some noise and Barton opens slowly the reinforced wooden door. The room is pitch black, Barton places the torch on the wall and throws the second one burning inside.
The torch land in front of an half orc who jumps forward. The chain attached to his feet stops him and hopefully he is out of reach.

- “Free me

Barton doesn’t know if it’s fear or anger (insight 7).

- “If I do, what are you going to do ?
- “Run , find clan
- “What about me ?
- “Nothing. Want flee here. Where magician ?
- “He is going to rest for a long time.
- “Dead, dead
Barton bow his head and he can feel the excitement in the creature.
- “Free me, you safe…
Barton brings him a soup.
- “Let me think and it’s night outside.
- “No care, can see
- “Why are you here ?
- “Magician capture Mauhul… Tools, Pain, tools, pain… writing … again again
- “Here more soup but sorry I need some rest and to think. Tomorrow we’ll see...

Barton climbs the ladder, closes to hatch and lock it with a plank. After a last bowl of soup he sleeps on the armchair near the fire.
Next morning, it’s a classical nice but chill Autumn day. During the night he decides to free the poor creature.

- “Morning Mauhul, I am going to free you but I am not sure of you intention against me.
- “You free Mauhul, Mauhul friend
- “ I hope but I am going to attach the key on this rope and burned slowly the second one to release it. I will put some weight on the hatch. But you are strong.
- “No need, you open lock, Mauhul run far
- “Sorry but I prefer to run first, I bring you some soups also.

Barton set-up the key system.

- “Good luck Mauhul maybe will meet again in better condition
- “You name
- “Barton
- “Barton Kills magician and almost free Mauhul, Mauhul remember
- “Bye

Barton closes the hatch and put the heavy table on top. As soon as he is outside he starts to run in the mountain direction. The heavy rain blurs all the tracks. (Survival 18) After 2 hours running, he believes he joins back the main trail. Something strange struck him, there is no aftermath of the downpour and lightning from yesterday here. Pushing hard he reaches the waterfall by noon. Now the slope are steeper the mountain begins. He should be at the camp in 2 days. The beginning of the climb is difficult. (90) The loamy ground and the waterfall proximity make the trail slippery. (Dex nat 20) Like a mountain goat Barton manages the difficulty. (72) Later in the day, the trail becomes narrower and the rocks on the cliff looks menacing. (perception 19) Barton stops and observes during 10 mins before running under it but nothing happens.

At dusk, Barton finds a nice shelter under a big rocks. Seems to be used frequently. A ring of stone and some dry branches are here. He collects more dead wood to be sure the next one will have some. He starts a fire and eats his ration. He puts a string linked to a branch close to the entrance to make an alarm.

Is the night going to be quiet ? (cf8 - 50/50 - 25 - Y)

Before dawn Barton wakes up and start at the first light, mixing run and walk. (perception 21) Crossing a scree he sees a creature in front of him and heard one behind.

Turn 1 - init Barton 17, Bugbear 3
Barton   - Hunter’s mark
            - Bow - Nat 20 - 17 dmg (Bugbear 1 : 7 hp)
Bugbear 1 - move
            - Morning star - 9 - miss
Bugbear 2 - move
            - Morning star Flanking advantage -16 - 9 dmg (Barton : 19 hp : concentration 13)

Barton is trapped on the small unstable trail crossing the scree. He shoot at the one in front of him. The 2 bugbears close on him and hit with their Morning stars.

Turn 2
Barton - dagger - 21 - 7 dmg (Bugbear 1 : dead)
Bugbear 2 - Morning star - 7 - miss

Turn 3
Barton - Hunter’s mark transfer
            - shove Athle Barton 19 vs Athle Bugbear 10
Bugbear 2 - dex 4 - fall in the scree - 3 dmg prone (Bugbear : 24 hp)

Turn 4
Barton - Bow disadvantage - 14 - miss
            - move
Bugbear 2 - raise and move in difficult terrain only 10 feet
            - Javelin - 20 - 3 dmg (Barton : 16 hp)

Turn 5
Barton - Bow - 24 - 14 dmg (Bugbear : 10 hp)
            - move 30
Bugbear 2 - move 30
            - Javelin disadvantage - 9 - miss

Turn 6
Barton - move 5
            - Bow - 24 - 12 dmg (BB2 : dead)

When the fight his over Barton takes care of the injury he had.
Cure wound +9 -> Barton : 25 hp

He Loots them but finds something interesting in the first one. In a small belt pouch there is (4) gems  (value 50 GP).

Barton pushes the body in the scree and throws their weapons as far as he can. He keeps one javelin with him. He want to be at the camp tonight and walk fast in the climb and run in the flat and down. Stopping only to drink in the stream and eat some berries, he forgets his tiredness to move as quick as possible. At dusk he reaches the camp and stops behind a trees to observe. (perception 16)

Is the group of apprentice still here ? (cf8 - likely - 47 - Y)

Is Lavina here ? (cf8 - 50/50 - 66 - Y)

Interruption - 90 NPC negative 4 - 27/19 Praise new ideas
Interpretation : Barton recognize the cult leader from Chilton. Like a teacher in the middle of an improvised class close to the fire, he fascinates his new followers.

(stealth 18) Barton recognize Lavina in front of the group and without thinking he aims at the cult leader from 60 feet.

Turn 1
Barton - Hunter’s mark
            - Bow - 15 - 13 dmg (cult leader : 20 hp, concentration 14)
            - hide behind tree

- “LAVINA, it’s an impostor, I know this man, he is darker than the night…

Turn 2 - Init Barton 9, leader 15, guard 5, Lavina 14, apprentice 13

The leader with an arrow in his leg, raises and addresses the little crowd :
- “I warned you my friends, we are not welcome in this world, we should stop this ignorant and all the people like him

Leader  - Move behind group
            - Shield of faith on him -> AC 15
Lavina - (perception 5)

Lavina thinks she heard here name, but how it could be in this place. She moves behind the fire close to the leader with 4 more students. 4 of them rushes toward Barton.

Students - move
Barton - move 5 to see the group
            - Bow - 17 - 12 dmg (leader : 8 hp)
            - move 25

- “LAVINA, LAVINA, it’s me Barton, it’s an evil cult, believe me

Guard - dash

Turn 3

- “Don’t listen, he tries to break our unity, bring him to me

Leader - Persuasion 14
Lavina - dash toward Barton
Students - Move
Barton - move 30
            - bow - 25 - 11 dmg (leader : dead)
Guard 1 - move - spear - 12 - miss
Guard 2 - move - spear - 10 - miss
Other Guards - dash

Turn 4
Lavina - dash toward Barton

- “Barton , it’s really you.

Students - dash
Barton - (persuasion 16)

- “Your leader is dead and you are not going to be paid. Take this and let us alone. We don’t want more blood.

Barton throws the pouch with the stones to the closest guard.
The guard look inside (charisma opposed check 6) and says to his colleagues.

- “It’s a better pay than this nut brain washer. Let’s move guy !

Guard - move 30 to take their package

The 3 cultist who just exit the cabin look at each other and evaluate the situation.

Turn 5 - Init cultist 4
Lavina : “Drop your scimitar and no harm will be done to you
(intimidation 16)

Barton : - “Now before we change our minds.

Apprentice - apparently free from a spell move toward cultist
Guard - continue gathering their stuffs

Cultist : ( charisma 17) - “You know we are everywhere and whatever happens,
Karzakur will find you...

The guards closer to them doesn’t hesitate and kill them

Do the guards are going to really leave and don't come back ? (cf8 - 39 - Y)

The group burns the 4 corpses. In the meantime the mercenaries leave the place even if there is only 2 hours of light left.

They sit again around the fire. Barton hold Lavina in his arms with a big smile in his face. He relates the situation from Chilton to Elkington and how he travels to find them. He didn't relate the Whitby incident. Lavina talks about the cult leader and how he manipulated the instructors to send them back to Elkington saying they sent these mercenaries and him to take care of them beofre their return.


XP : 700 xp + 100 bonus, total 1800

This is the end of my first ever SOLO D&D. Barton and Lavina will probably come back in a new adventure (or campaign) to bring down the cult of Karzakur. But before I am starting a cyberpunk / shadowrun SOLO game with savage worlds system.

If you have any question or suggestion regarding solo RPG or the adventure, send a message or post a comment. 
